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For those who find it difficult
to visit the dentist due to fear of pain,
Le Blanc Dental Clinic offers a variety of anesthesia
solutions to alleviate anesthesia pain.
We introduce a step-by-step pain reduction
system and conscious sedation therapy.

Why Has the Dentist Become a
'Subject of Fear'?

According to surveys on dental phobia, the following situations highlight the need for advanced pain care technology

  • 42.5 %

    Pain during treatment

  • 30 %

    The noise from dental equipment

Step-by-Step Pain Care
Anesthesia System

  • 1

    A simple gargle numbs the entire mouth, reducing mild pain during oral treatments.

  • 2

    To lessen the pain felt from anesthesia injections, anesthetic gel is applied.

  • 3

    Utilizes a digital device to slowly administer the anesthesia solution, controlling the speed to prevent pain.

  • 4

    It is a type of anesthesia that assists treatment under a semi-conscious state.

  • 5

    Cares for post-treatment pain to ensure you do not experience discomfort afterward.

Le Blanc’s Pain Care
Technology Leads the Way.

Depending on the patient's condition,
the type of procedure, and the preferred method, we provide the best solution to
ensure a comfortable dental experience. Overcome your dental fears
comfortably at Le Blanc Dental Clinic!

Treatments Available for
Conscious Sedation Therapy

  • Implants

  • Root Canal Therapy

  • Cavity Treatment

  • Wisdom Tooth Extraction

  • Cosmetic Prosth-odontics

“The sound, smell, and atmosphere of the dentist...”

The interior was designed
considering the unfamiliar emotions felt upon
visiting the dentist

Considering the unfamiliar feelings upon visiting, our interior design takes inspiration from hotel lounges to ensure you experience luxury and comfort from the moment you walk in.

The treatment rooms and private
surgery rooms prioritize patient comfort, and our technology eliminates odors in the air,
ensuring you do not experience the typical dental office smell. Le Blanc Dental Clinic strives to eradicate
anxiety and provide comfortable care.